High Tides - Courtney Cousins / Lamorna Nightingale (flute)
The main idea behind high tides is a simple combination of two flute techniques; the tremolo, and harmonics. One compositional problem I encountered in this study was attempting to create a structured piece of music from a simple device. I considered potential pitch contours, and how changing dynamics and airflow influenced these, as well as the effect of changing the tremolo fingering. In structuring and organising all these possibilities, I simply decided to follow a general dramatic arc to create a sense of resolution at the end. In notating high tides, I realised that there were in effect two musical lines to follow for the performer; what notes are fingered, and what is actually sounded. Drawing pitch contours above the stave was a good compromise in that it was specific, and yet still allowed for the performer’s interpretation to form an important part of realising the work.

Technique Explanation & Demonstration
High Tides is based the combining of 2 techniques - harmonics and tremolo. Tremolo is the rapid alternation between two notes - like a trill but the notes are further apart. Courtney has requested using amplification to create a richer set of overtones - it can be a little bit dead sounding without this extra ‘help’. Some information for how harmonics work here.
Further listening
Australian composer Anne Boyd uses a similar technique in her piece ‘Red Sun, Chill Wind’. The flute player is advised to play into the body of the piano with the pedal depressed to amplify the sound.
About Courtney
Courtney’s first “serious” composition assignment was when she was fourteen, and had to compose a serialist piece in the style of Stockhausen. At the time, she had a slightly concerning obsession with Bach (which hasn’t quite slipped yet!), and so found this modern art music “all a bit weird”. Now it’s not quite the same story - she loves messing around with new sounds whatever the medium, whether it be instrumental, vocal or electroacoustic. She loves conceptual music, aesthetics, and the idea of music as a form of story-telling.
Courtney is now in her 2nd year studying her BMus in Composition at the Sydney Conservatorium.
About Lamorna
Lamorna Nightingale is a freelance flautist, concert presenter, educator and publisher who is passionate about the future of art music in Australia. She is a core member of the new music group - Ensemble Offspring and has been performing with them since 2007. Lamorna has many years experience working in the orchestral sector performing regularly with many of Australia’s finest ensembles. In January 2016 she performed with early music ensemble Brugge Anima Eterna at the Sydney Festival and then the Lincoln Centre in New York. Since 2017 Lamorna has curated and produced a new concert series dedicated to new music in Sydney ‘BackStage Music’.